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Security Weekly Podcast Network (Audio)

Sep 18, 2012

Paul's Stories

A Guide To Network Vulnerability Management - Dark Reading - If you want the "training wheels" approach to vulnerability management, then you should read this article. However, the problem goes so much deeper, and this article doesn't even know what tool to use in order to scratch the surface. Sure, you...

Sep 18, 2012

Interview with Jason Lam

Jason is the head of global threat management at a major financial institution based in Canada. Jason specializes in Web application security, and shares his research findings and experiences by teaching at the SANS Institute. His recent SANS courseware development includes Defending Web...

Sep 18, 2012

Show Notes:

Answers to Allison's Puzzle Contest, Paul's Stories:

100,000 Vulnerabilities - Security vulnerabilities measured in numbers is sometimes a scary thing. At some level there you can prove strength or weakness in numbers. If you count vulnerabilities, for...

Sep 18, 2012

Interview with Marc Maiffret

Marc Maiffret is the Chief Technology Officer at BeyondTrust, a leading vulnerability and compliance management company, and was a co-founder of eEye Digital Security.

How did you get your start in information security? Tell us about your work at eEye and your work in the early days...

Sep 18, 2012

Hack your Car with CANBUS

A little into in a few minutes. yes, as implied, it is a BUS and you can gain access to it from the ODB-II port. Think a hub. All messages on a segment go to all devices on the segment. Messages can be filtered with a gateway (think firewall) between various busses, which may or may not be...